
2023-01-08    分类: 网站设计

1、 网站的整体布局不同。开一个国内企业网站设计,你会很清楚的看见,导航,BENNAR图,企业简介提示,新闻中心提示,产品/服务展示提示(这个是重点,通常会占据比较大的界面甚至会做图片轮播效果),其他的还会有什么联系我们,成功案例/合作伙伴,甚至还会放一小段视频等等。
The overall layout of the site is different. A domestic enterprise web design, you can clearly see, navigation, BENNAR chart, enterprise introduction, news center, product / service show that (this is the key, will usually occupy the larger interface will do even picture carousel effects), the other is what will contact us, success stories / partner, or even a short video and so on and so on.
2、 网站风格设计的不同。这个不知道应该说国人太死板,还是应该说欧美的人们太随意。浏览国外的网站,太都设计很随意也很简单,首页就一张大图片作为背景,然后随意设置几个按钮,就完事了。点击进去的栏目设计也很简单,不会设计太多三级甚至四级页面,下拉菜单也不会很长,就一个长长的页面,导航放一边,内容放一边。而国内的网站就不同了。先是有一个导航页(很多时候是Flash动画), 然后规规矩矩的首页布局,版头,BENNER图,部分栏目显示……每一个模块都规划得规规矩矩的,如果你经常会浏览此类的网站,你甚至不用再看别的,直接按路径点击进去就是。
Web site design style is different. This did not know should say Chinese too rigid, or should be said that the American people too casual. Visit foreign websites, so are very casual is also very simple, home page is a picture as the background, and then set free a few buttons, you're done. Click in the column design is also very simple, not too many design level of even four pages, the drop-down menu will not be very long, a long page, navigation aside, content aside. And domestic website is different. There is a navigation page (often Flash animation), and then behave homepage layout, the version of the head, BENNER, part of the column display...... Each module is planning to behave, if you often browse this website, you don't even have to look at the other, directly on the path to click into.
To guide the preference page. Sometimes when we open a website guidance page animation, it is a long, and the skip button is not set, you must wait until the animation played out, after relevant selection button, can click into the website homepage. The introductory pages on our user experience 100 victims without a benefit, why until now many enterprise website when also insisted on adding a guide page? This with Chinese euphemism tortuous character.
Different collocations of color. If you will pay attention to some countries in Europe and America Web site, you will find the main tone, their website will generally adopts the comparative and bright color to the site, such as white, blue, orange, or. And the site of color usually use one color dominates, another kind of color to color, or just one color, and the more famous company, use the color the more simple. The foreigners with a straightforward and cheerful and character, unlike the Chinese like circumlocutory character, Chinese website whole tonal collocation with Chinese folk style, which is reflected in the domestic site, tonal collocation usually use three or more than three tones, call a website main color, background color is a, and the navigation bar should be marked with a color, as if afraid they can't find. This color matching in the general enterprise web site is more common, the website opened, is a pile of colors together make up brightly coloured picture, and rich colors, easy to give people a sense of oppression, and since everyone preferences for different color tones, first from the use of bright colors, may have led to the site a part of the bounce rate.




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