
2023-01-14    分类: 网站改版

Beijing web site construction enterprises, in the development process will inevitably expand scale and increase product, then at the cost of reduced circumstances, can be selected, the website revision, including the website home page or template revision. General website although it can reduce the cost, after the revision can improve customer experience, but also to the website website brings a lot of fatal injuries, so which is a fatal wound, as stationmaster how do we avoid? Here are a few points and everybody to be discussed jointly:
一、切记改版与原来搜索引擎爬行的路线相冲突(Remember the revision and the original search engine crawling route conflict)
Stationmaster people know Baidu, Google and other search engines on the web site itself is a certain memory, attention must be paid to the revision of links to websites and web structure as far as possible in the original based on the upgrade, which can effectively solve the search engine to link changes after access to reduce problems.
二、切记网站原有关键词与原标题改变(Remember that the original site keywords with the original title change)
Web site revision if the modified keywords and titles will greatly increase the site deleted possibility, because search engine website first retrieval is key words with the title, if the website, search engine retrieval is with the original website keywords and titles contrast, if the change is too large, it will be regarded as new sites, new audit, likely due to some reasons, not included. So don't try to change new keywords and titles.
三、切记网站的内部链接与网站外链没有更新(Remember the site's internal links and site outside the chain is not updated)
Website, search engine first detects the presence of death is a website link, link to die for " spider " whether this crawling is fatal. So after the revision must adhere to site outside the chain and updated website news item, remain " spider " crawling to the website, can obtain more up-to-date news and information, to a greater degree of indexed by the revised website.
Finally, I want to tell you, the website correcting, is enterprise development to a certain stage of construction sites in the process, but the website version must be careful, do not blindly, not even with the above three problems!




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